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Overseeding is important for cold season grasses. It should be done regularly to create a strong and healthy top layer. However, regular overseeding can be a time consuming operation. The Maredo GT 424 will change this. Because of the unique, clean and efficient way of overseeding with a triplex greens mower it will now be possible to overseed as fast and clean as no one has ever done before.
The Maredo GT424 VibeTine-Seeder will replace the existing GT414 VibeSpike-Seeder for Fescue. The GT424 is more accurate and produces more holes for the seed to germinate in. A completely new method of overseeding is used. Six tine sections with exchangeable different kinds of solid tines punch holes in the top turf layer. Right behind these small solid tines are seed funnels mounted which will drop the seed directly in the holes. A mounted brush will help to get all the seed into the holes.
With this new Vibe Tine method the amount of holes can be determined by the forward speed. The side-to-side hole distance is 29 mm (1-1/8″). The GT424 can also be used to plant all other kinds of granulars efficiently into your top turf layer. An ideal Overseeder for greens, surroundings, tees etc.
Mowing speed is perfectly possible with these overseeding heads. With this GT424 efficiency and germination rate have doubled. If you are looking for the fastest method to overseed the Maredo GT424 heads are the solution!